Controversial issues Image
Some special topics

By using the menu below, it is still possible to find some general information about the book, but this page is specifically focused on some controversial issues, which are thoroughly discussed in several chapters.
We hope you have some time to read our comments...

This page is meant to give a brief overview of some controversial topics, which are often ignored or forgotten, but can be useful for a better understanding of many events that occurred in the past and many facts of today's world, which are commonly reported by the mainstream media. Here, you will only find a few details, but they are probably enough to get an idea of the subject, the main arguments and the aim of Jihad Al-Kuffar. No doubt, it will be definitely clear that this book is inclined neither to ignore nor to forget!

In the next paragraphs, there are some intriguing questions: the same questions, which are implicitly posed, answered and discussed in the amazing diary of a holy warrior who is involved in a spy story, gets ready for a suicide operation, takes part in the Afghan War and, above all, laughs at a Western world which has conquered freedom with its wars on tyrants and has created wealth with the hard work of its people, but has fallen prey to a blend of philanthropy, peace obsession and questionable morals that might lead it to ruin.
Thus, while fighting to spread his beliefs, the alleged writer (a radical militant) is confident that the history of the Aztecs and the Incas will repeat itself: the history of people who were not prepared to face an enemy, but chose to abandon their traditions and freedom in the name of a peace that many of them could never enjoy.

America received the lesson it deserved [statement by a sort of activist, as reported in the weekly magazine Sette, published on October 4, 2001]
Is this kind of language exclusive to extremist groups and terrorist cells (e.g., communist organizations or Iranian revolutionary guards) traditionally engaged in anti-American activity?
What about the role of (so-called) intellectuals affiliated to non-Islamist, non-communist Western institutions that uphold (or pretend to uphold) the highest moral standards?

Do not behave like the rich and the powerful! Do not drench the soil with innocent blood! [message aimed at terrorist groups in the aftermath of the September 11 attack]
Are the enemies of the West so special that they only need to refrain from killing in order to be more virtuous than the rich and the powerful?
Perhaps more importantly, is it clear that, according to certain moralists, the (Western) rich and the (Western) powerful have surely drenched the soil with innocent blood?

Eliminate gender disparity in primary and secondary education, preferably by 2005, and to all levels of education no later than 2015 [target of a campaign launched at the end of the nineties].
Does anyone seriously believe that a crucial problem about gender equality had a chance of being solved in countries like Taliban Afghanistan or theocratic Iran or infibulation-struck Somalia by the year 2005?
In general, instead of blindly approving aid programs, isn't it wiser to control emotional reactions and check whether huge amounts of money really serve the needs of the poor or rather aim at funding well rewarded jobs, especially in the state machine of rich countries?

Image Acknowledgement of the sovereignty, territorial integrity and political independence of every State in the area [Middle East] and their right to live in peace within secure and recognized boundaries free from threats or acts of force [a provision of UN Resolution 242 dated November 22, 1967]
Since the pro-Palestinian world is pretty keen on UN resolutions, isn't it funny that Egypt, Jordan, Mauritania and Turkey have been the only Islamic states, which until recently had accepted to hold diplomatic ties with Israel?
As for secure boundaries, how many opinion-makers highlight the remarkable difference between the Berlin Wall (built to cage potential runaways) and the Israeli West Bank barrier, which was raised to (successfully) deny entry to suicide bombers and other terrorists?

Our main objective should be martyrdom or victory, and martyrdom comes first, for martyrdom is our road to victory [quotation from a textbook]
Is this exhortation part of the brainwashing process developed by an underground sect?
Or is it the teaching of a head of state, who made all possible efforts to develop a culture of martyrdom and turn his country into a terrorist sanctuary?

Last updated on June 18, 2023